The Science Behind Why Time in Nature is Good for Us

What’s the science?

Here are just some of the scientific findings related to nature’s influence on health, well-being, productivity and creativity  (source: Regenerative Leadership, by Giles Hutchins & Laura Storm):

·       Being in nature reduces pulse rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels (Chiba University, 2009)

·       Being in nature unplugged from multi-media increases creativity by 50% (Atchley et al, 2012)

·       Being in nature leads to improved cognitive functioning and mental well-being (Kaplan, 2001)

·       Nature has positive effects on mental/psychological health, healing, heart-rate, concentration, levels of stress, blood pressure, behaviour, and other health factors (Brown and Grant, 2005).

·       Exercise outdoors in a natural environment improves mood and self-esteem and is more restorative than exercise outdoors in an urban environment (Barton and Pretty, 2010)

·       Spending time in nature boosts the immune system and increases resistance to cancer (Qing Li, 2009)

·       Exposure to natural daylight makes us more productive, improves concentration and short-term memory (California Energy Commission, 2003)

·       Flowers and plants in the workplace increase cognitive functioning and can create a 15% rise in innovative ideas and more creative, flexible problem-solving (Ulrich, 2009)

·       Connection with nature has a significant positive effect on autonomy, personal growth, and sense of purpose in life (Nisbet et al., 2011)

·       People who spend 15 minutes each day in nature developed a more positive outlook than those who don’t (Mayer et al., 2009)

·       Workers exposed to sunlight and natural elements in the workplace report better moods, higher satisfaction with their work, and more commitment to their employer (Colarelli et al., 2016)

·       When immersed in a natural environment, people report feeling more connected to others and to the world around them (Terhaar, 2009)

·       Walking in nature improves memory by up to 20% (Berman et al. 2008)

·       People are more considerate and generous when exposed to nature (Ryan & Weinstein, 2009)